
Solar Energy

Solar energy uses the best shared resource: solar radiation which is abundant around the globe. In one hour, the solar energy captured by earth is enough to cover the world’s energy needs for an entire year! So how do we take advantage of the energy that the sun offers us?

Axiom provides solutions to harness solar energy in a few different ways. This includes the use of solar water heating with solar collectors or photovoltaic panels for domestic use to the complex technologies of CSP thru a direct conversion of sunlight to electrical energy using mirrors and boilers or of large photovoltaic installations for commercial and utility scale projects.

The solutions provided by Axiom enable clients to reduce their energy bills or achieve 100% autonomy and help reduce their pollution footprint.

While every project has its own unique requirements, Axiom implements a multi-step approach to develop successful solar projects for grid-connected or off-grid settings. A typical commercial scale solar project takes 6 to 12 months to complete through the following steps:

Site Identification

Land owner engagement

Solar Assessment & Analysis

Economic Modeling and Funding Acquisition

Permit Acquisition

Civil Engineering & Foundation

Panel Selection

Grid Interconnection Engineering

Site Development Construction and Panel Installation

Analysis Testing & Commissioning

Energy Production, Operations & Maintenance

Energy for the Mining Industry

The Mining Industries, especially those operating off-grid, have unique requirements for power supply. For this purpose, Axiom proposes SolarReserve’s suite of solutions to provide reliable energy supplies to Mines. These solutions deliver significant savings and predictable energy costs to mining operations around the globe.

Secure & Reliable Energy Supply
Given that most mines often reach peak energy loads at any time during operations, the mining industry requires reliable energy 24 hours a day and demand continuous availability from their power supplies.

Axiom uses SolarReserve’s concentrated solar power (CSP) technology with a fully integrated molten salt storage to provide a reliable energy source powered by the sun with availability on par with conventional technologies.

Lower and Stable Energy Costs
A quarter of mining operating costs is often spent on energy consumption using fossil fuels such as diesel and natural gas. This high cost is aggravated by environmental risks, regulations, and price volatility.

To mitigate these risks and reduce energy costs, Axiom proposes SolarReserve’s turnkey solution for energy supply to address the needs and operating conditions of the mining industry. These solutions harness solar power with integrated storage capacity to provide a fully baseload energy supply for mines while lowering costs and ensuring a stable and sustainable source of energy.

Complete & Customized Power Solutions
Axiom provides comprehensive energy supply solutions and services for mines including:

Feasibility Assessment

Technology Configuration

Regulations and Permits Support

Finance and EPC Management

Power Plant Design and Construction

Operations and Maintenance